The TSHA exists for the promoting of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. It’s goal is to see individuals saved from their sins, sanctified holy, and living a godly life for the glory of God. The primary means of doing this is the Association holds an annual camp meeting to provide an opportunity for individuals to hear the message of entire deliverance from sin. We choose our ministers from the conservative holiness movement and strive to bring the best preachers, teachers, and musicians, to deliver this most glorious message of full salvation through being entirely sanctified.
The Tri-State Holiness Association is the outcome of a holiness work started in the year 1914 on a street corner in the community of Clinton Pennsylvania. It was started by Reverend A. M. Gibson of Ambridge, Pennsylvania. He was assisted by Charles Miller and David Lithco. Reverend Gibson was instrumental in taking George Gould and Albert L. Cain to a camp meeting at Conneautesville, Pennsylvania where both were gloriously saved. These men began to pray that a camp meeting would come to Clinton, so others of their community would hear the gospel as they had heard it preached.
Everybody’s mission of Pittsburgh organized a branch in Clinton, Pennsylvania and the Reverend Lewis W King, the second Pastor of the Clinton mission, suggested holding a tent meeting in a meadow off of Main Street of Clinton. Mr George Kinney took up donations from the communities of Clinton, Imperial, and Coraopolis with which to purchase a 30‘ x 50‘ tent. The first meeting was held in the tent during the years 1925 & 1926. The second year, Tri State build a combination dining hall and dormitory which was moved to the present location in 1927. Members of several churches from Pittsburgh and the surrounding areas attended these tent meetings.
Consequently an inter-denominational organization was effected. In 1928 in the courts of Allegheny County, Pittsburgh, PA., The Tri-State Holiness Association was incorporated as a nonprofit organization. The fledgling organization selected 10 acres of land in the Clinton community on which were several virgin oak maple and other species of trees, making a lovely grove for a future tabernacle, tents, and cottages. The campgrounds were well situated. Since then the campgrounds have increased to the present 30 acres. Located at 55 Campmeeting Road in Clinton, Pa.
Mr. Fred W Wentz built the first cottage on the campgrounds. Seventy small tents were purchased and rented to house the guests in the early beginnings of the Camp Meeting. In 1930 the present tabernacle was built. It was 60’ x 98’. Since then two 20‘ x 98‘ wings have been added to the tabernacle. Through the years many privately owned cottages were built. The camp also built many cottages and buildings.
Back Row - LeRoy Adams, Bob White, Leo Cooley
Middle Row - Howard McConkey, Cecil Bridgewater, Walter Reitz, Normal Light, Elmer Long
Front Row - Walter Hobbs (Pres), Genn Griffelt (2nd V.Pres), M.C.Stroupe, H.E.Schmul (1st Pres), Nelson M. Douglas, A.L.Cain (Sec), Paul Cain (Treas)
TSHA Camp’s first president was Rev. L. W. King whom held the office for 25 years. 1925-1950
Following him was Rev. N. M. Douglas who served from 1950 – 1964 and Rev. Walter Hobbs served from 1965 through the 50thanniversary year which was 1974.
Through the years visitors from nearly every state in the United States and several foreign countries have enjoyed the fellowship over the last two Sundays as of July at the Clinton campgrounds.
(This short early history was taken from the 50th anniversary publication which was printed in 1974. It was written by a A. L. Cain, H. E. Schmul, and Walter Hobbs)
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